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Top 5 Reasons to Visit Sweden

If you love to travel, and Europe is one of the continents on your list, be sure not to miss Sweden. As a part-Swede, I’m a little biased here, but only slightly. Truly, this is a wonderful place, and I think you’ll agree once you see what I mean:

1. Fika


Pronounced (Fee-kah), this is essentially the term for daily coffee and pastry time. You can fika alone, or invite a friend. One of the best parts about this being so intrinsic to the culture is the number and variety of cool coffee/pastry shops throughout the different towns and cities.

2. History








The history of this nation is so rich. From the ancient viking mounds in Gamla Uppsala, to the architecture of old churches, to hundreds of ancient stones carved with runes scattered throughout Uppsala and Stockholm, there are so many things to discover and learn. To visit a university established in the 1400’s when the oldest one in the United States didn’t exist until the late 1700’s, is such a cool experience that gives great perspective on the relativity of time.

3. People


Ah, yes. I love Swedes. Such a quiet, but kind people. When it’s time to celebrate, they are more than ready, and super fun. Yet, the culture is generally not one that will be in your face; it isn’t loud and certainly does not seek attention. It is extremely rare to be interrupted by a Swede, as in it will almost never happen. Why? Because the amount of respect present in the culture is incomparable. A lot of your social interactions when you’re there will feel very balanced, which just honestly adds so much to the experience of peace and calm when visiting. Worried about a language barrier? Many Swedes are fluent in English and very comfortable switching between the two languages.

4. Fashion


As with many of the nations in Europe, Sweden is a few seasons ahead of us when it comes to the fashion world. The clean lines, and modern styles are so easy to wear and apply at home. Simplicity is a great thing, and Swedish fashion exemplifies it at its best.

5. The Views






**BONUS** If you are a student and planning on traveling to Sweden any time soon, make sure to bring your college ID with you. There are a number of organizations (think co-ed fraternities, but classier) that have their own buildings and cafeterias. You can get a temporary student pass with your student ID and eat in those locations for the discounted price. Plus, it’s a great way to meet new friends!

So, who’s ready to go back with me?


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