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5 Tips to Make (and Keep!) Your New Year’s Resolutions

5 tips new years resolutions

There’s always more than one reason why a new year’s resolution may fail, and it may not even be the result of what you would think or expect. If you’re determined to keep yours this new year, but feeling a little worried as to whether or not you’ll actually be able to, begin using the five easy tips below to transform your motivation & help you meet your new year’s goals! 

1. Start Now

When it comes to resolutions, there is seriously no better time than the present to get started on what you want to change. Don’t wait until January 1st, or 5th, or 16th to get started on what you would like to see different this next year. If your resolution is one that quite literally cannot begin until the start of the new year, begin making preparations for it now. If your goal is improved fitness: Clean out your fridge, make your lists, create an organized corner with your go-to equipment and gear, and see #4 to get an accountability partner lined up – whatever you need to do to ensure that when you do start, you are equipped and ready to do so successfully.

quatrefoil bins fitness resolution

new year's fitness resolutions

2. Frame Your Resolutions with Attainable Goals

It’s great to have a longterm/ideal goal, but without attainable goals incorporated in that process, it’s often just too easy to give up and quit the whole thing. One way to avoid that is by changing how you frame what your ultimate goal actually is. For instance, if your goal is to “lose X weight,” reframe that to be “live a healthier lifestyle.” This automatically allows for a number of smaller goals that are so much easier to attain, like: (1) Exercise for 30 minutes a day; (2) Drink X amount of water; or even (3) Get into a better sleep schedule by going to bed by 10pm every night. Personally, if I have a fitness goal, I love to stick numbered post-it notes on a mirror. For each day I follow through with the plan, I get to remove one post-it. This is a visual reminder of the changes I’m making, which helps so much when the physical changes haven’t started to show yet. Plus, it’s a much healthier mindset since it allows you to be proud of your progress instead of so focused on the end result that you feel overwhelmed and disappointed when the number isn’t yet reaching what you want.

post-it note fitness help motivation

3. Create Rewards for Yourself

This tip pairs with #2 to support your motivation to keep your resolutions. Continuing with the example used in #2: Did you drink X number of water consistently 5 of 7 days this week? Great! Go get your nails done to celebrate, pick up some flowers from your local grocery store (my favorite reward!), or put on that movie you love to watch but haven’t seen in a while. Incorporate these rewards into your calendar so you know exactly when, and exactly what you have to look forward to when you meet certain goals.

new years resolutions rewards

4. Get an Accountability Partner ASAP

Whatever your resolutions for the new year may be, it can never hurt to have someone in your corner cheering you on throughout the process – reminding you why you started, especially when you lose motivation and feel like throwing in the towel. This person can be anyone from your spouse (for me, J is a great source of steady accountability), co-worker, or close friend. Whoever he or she may be, make sure you clearly communicate your personal goals, include how you are planning on reaching them, and what exactly you want that person to do/tell you when you are doing well, and when you aren’t doing so great. Everyone communicates differently, so what may feel supportive to them may not be as helpful for you – so it may be best to go over this at the start rather than after hurt feelings or miscommunications have occurred. 

5 tips to make and keep your new year's resolutions

5. Write out Daily Reminders

Never forget that you are in control of whether or not you meet these goals. If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, write out what is in your control, and what is not. For everything that is in your control, write a single sentence of how you know you can and will handle it. For everything that is not, draw a single line through to remind yourself that your focus needs to be on what you can control rather than what you cannot. Then, at the bottom of the page, write 3 things that you are proud of or that bring you joy. It’s okay if these positive reminders repeat from the day before – what matters most is that you choose to believe and apply them.

get it girl

Whether it’s fitness or something else, any resolution is going to take time to become a consistent part of your life, so go after it and enjoy the process. This time next year, you’ll be so glad you did.

Shop the featured items in the post:

xoxo, M






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Adulting, Blog, School, The Home

Top 5 Strategies for Increasing Productivity


Increasing productivity in your workspace, whether it’s a home office or an open cubicle, is so essential to effectively using your time and making the workweek a bit more manageable. These 5 strategies, focus on increasing efficacy and efficiency, and all incorporate the same themes: self-care and self-awareness – both of which are super important for healthy & positive productivity. If you’re ready to rev up your workspace, let’s get started:

1.Learn your distractions…and beat them.

Y’all, it took me forever to realize that visual clutter is a huge distraction and source of anxiety for me. Cleaning up that clutter is a great way to procrastinate from what really needs to be done since it makes you feel like you are doing something productive. Technically, yes you are, but in all reality, you’re just putting off what you need to be working on at that time. Once I figured this out, I made sure to clean up my desk space at the end of every day. Coming into a fresh and clean workspace each morning has boosted my productivity so much, especially on days when I know I there’s a ton of work to finish. So whether it’s clutter, or checking social media too often, learn your distractions and create methods that limit them.

2. Focus on your five senses. 

Sight, touch, sound, smell, and taste. OH yes, the big 5 within the top 5. Sight = Creating a space you don’t mind (at minimum) but actually enjoy spending time in for work. Work is work, so it isn’t always fun. Simple touches, like a favorite pillow or fun print hung on the wall can go a long way to boosting your mood. Touch = If you are uncomfortable physically, you won’t be at your best mentally. Is your back hurting? Invest in a good desk chair, seriously it’s worth it. Mine is by Serta and it has honestly been one of the best & most important purchases for the home office. Sound = Learning what helps/hurts your productivity (see #1 again). Some people can work well with the TV on in the background, while others need absolute silence. Personally, I love to have acoustic guitar songs streaming on Pandora. Find your groove and use it to your advantage. Smell = Y’all already know how much I love diptyque candles (from this post) and 90% of the time that’s exactly what I have burning in my workspace. However, sometimes when I find I’m getting a little too cozy I will put a couple drops of lemon essential oil into my diffuser instead. Lemon is supposed to be helpful in increasing energy and focus, and I know that at the very least, it wakes up my senses and makes my space feel extra fresh. Lastly, Taste = Fresh mints in your desk drawers are lifesavers (hehe see what I did there?) lolz sorry, but seriously it’s the same idea as teachers passing out mints before tests – something about how refreshing they are promotes clarity which means better productivity for you.

3. MOVE!

If you work from home or are currently holding a job where you are required to be in a seat all day, try to incorporate movement as much as possible. Set reminders on your computer, phone, or tablet. These can either be hourly, or at specific times during the day. Personally, I set mine for 10 am & 3 pm everyday because that tends to be the time I hit a wall and begin to slump in productivity. At home, I keep a stepper beside my desk, as well as a bike desk that I purchased last year during Amazon Prime Day (SO worth the investment). If your office space doesn’t have room for either of those options, a mini cycle that fits under your desk may be ideal. This one is essentially silent; so even if you are in an open cubicle, you won’t be disturbing the person next to you. (WIN)

4. Know your tasks before you begin.

Often, if we sit down without a plan, what we had in our heads the night before turns into an hour of browsing Amazon, and another hour or two scrolling through social media and sharing funny videos with friends. Make a list, stick to the list, and keep it where you can see it. This agenda by Kate Spade is huge and holds all of my important dates as well as daily/weekly/monthly tasks & goals. I also keep a mini bullet journal in this notebook – it’s the perfect size to throw in my purse or keep in the car when I’m on the go and need to jot something down quickly.

5. Encourage yourself. 

You are your own biggest cheerleader, and you are also your own worst critic. If you spent more time than you meant to checking your email or completed a task totally wrong, don’t beat yourself up about it. Keep reminders in your space that you can do this, whether through quotes, notes from friends, or even favorite photos. If you feel yourself going down the slippery slope of self-doubt even with those reminders in your space, take a 20 minute break and go somewhere else in your home or to a coffee shop you love. Learning what hurts and helps your productivity can take time, and that’s okay! Some things that work for others may not work for you & that’s okay too! You got this. (For cute DIY memo holders to brighten up your space – check out this post)

That’s the end of my top 5 methods for increasing productivity in the workspace. What are your favorite strategies? I would love if you shared them in the comments below!



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Blog, DIY Projects, Home Decor, Party Decor, The Home

DIY Gold Unicorn Memo Holder


Happy Wednesday, y’all! We are halfway through the week, so officially almost to the weekend (Woo!) Today’s DIY is SO fun for many different reasons – it can be used for holding pictures, encouraging notes, a to-do list, or even as someone’s placeholder in a themed party, the options you have out of this simple 3-step DIY are endless 🙂

To get started you’ll need:


Rust-Oleum Gold Spray Paint

Hot Glue Gun & Glue

Gold Paperclips 




Step 1: Get out your paperclips and plug in your hot glue gun! For this part, you can choose to either straighten out one side of the paperclip or leave as it is depending on where on the unicorn you want your clip to be. Once you’ve decided, glue it into place. Repeat this step with as many as desired.



Step 2: In a well-ventilated location (preferably outside if possible) begin spray painting your unicorn memo holders. Lightly spray the first layer, letting it set for about 10 minutes or so before continuing. Repeat until desired coverage is reached – after which wait about 40 minutes before handling.



Step 3: Decide what you will use your new gold note/memo/photo/place holders for! I’ve included some ideas below:


(Marble & Gold vanity tray DIY linked here)

Getting ready to complete this DIY? Don’t forget your supplies!



& if you liked this post – sharing is caring  🙂 – please feel free to pin/tweet/text/share the image below: 





















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