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Oreo Pumpkin Spice Balls Recipe

oreo pumpkin spice balls

oreo pumpkin spice balls

As many of y’all know, I am not the most confident when it comes to my *sKiLls* in the kitchen. A lot of this has to do with my current status as a very time-limited law student, but honestly a lot more of it has to do with the fact that I would rather not  face the inevitable post-meal cleanup if I can avoid it (honesty is the best policy, right?). In light of this, it may be surprising that I actually follow quite a few food blogs. After one of these blogs posted a video using a food processor to crunch up Oreo’s, I ordered this one thinking to myself that I would instantly begin using it and become a fabulous cook with tons of killer recipes. Welp if you follow my Instagram & keep up with the stories I post, you already know that this food processor sat in its box for the last 6 months – so long in fact that I actually forgot where it was and spent half the afternoon trying to locate it before testing out this recipe. Whoops.

Now that I have finally used it and have seen how quick & efficient it is, I am seriously obsessed and can’t believe I waited this long. If you have any favorite recipes involving a food processor – general, dessert, breakfast, whatever – that you love, please feel free to share in the comments below this post, I would love to try them!

Back to the Oreo pumpkin spice balls; I created this recipe on a whim and so pumped with how it turned out especially since it only uses 5 ingredients – 2 of which are completely optional based on your preference! I’ve included the ingredients/tools and step-by-step instructions in this post. Happy baking!

The ingredients for this recipe are:

Libby’s Canned Pumpkin (x1)

Box of Yellow Cake Mix (x1)

Super-stuffed Oreos (~15-20, processed with icing)

Pumpkin Spice Blend (optional – adds extra flavor)

White Chocolate Morsels (Don’t make the mistake I made by using these, instead use white chocolate bark – much easier to heat up!)

The kitchen tools I use for this recipe are:

KitchenAid Mixer

Mini Food Processor


Mini-Cupcake Maker (also featured in this quiche recipe)

Glass Mixing Bowl

Hand Mixer

Baking Paper Sheets

oreo pumpkin spice balls


Step 1: In your mixer, combine the cake mix, canned pumpkin, and a generous amount of pumpkin spice. Mix until fully blended using the lowest speed setting. **ONLY use the powder from the cake mix, do not add any other ingredients from the yellow cake recipe on the box.

Step 2: Pour 1/4 cup increments of batter into the mini-cupcake maker, and bake for ten minutes.

Step 3: While the batter is baking, place Oreo’s (with their creme fillings attached) into the food processor and blend. Dump contents into glass mixing bowl.

Step 4: Remove baked cupcakes/muffins/batter from cupcake maker, and place in food processor. Process, then add to the ground up oreos in the glass mixing bowl. Blend together.

Step 5: Begin rolling the mix into half-dollar-sized balls, place on wax baking sheet.

Step 6: Melt white chocolate bark on stove using double-boiler. Using a tablespoon, pour the melted chocolate over each of the balls on the wax baking sheet. Allow to cool. (For faster cooling, place baking sheet in fridge for ~6-10 minutes.

VOILA! Easy and delicious Oreo Pumpkin Spice Balls for Fall! BONUS STEP: Grab cute straws like these – cut one end at angle, insert into oreo spice ball then cover with melted white chocolate and you have an oreo pumpkin spice cake pop!

oreo pumpkin spice balls

oreo pumpkin spice cake pop

oreo pumpkin spice balls

Kitchen Supplies Featured in This Recipe: 













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